Tuesday 3 January 2012

Conclusion from HBS

2.30pm on 14th december at n28 building we have combine with section one to discuss about harvad bisnes school case study .we all have been given 10 question to be answer  by 10 different group that has been formed earlier. for my group we have been given question too discuss the key player in mobile industry and how it influence each other . for first person who talk about this topic.he discuss bout how google operate .how google has create third party application. his opinion  make me realize that google has take microsoft mistake for thier advantage. microsoft is the first company who took the first step to introduce third party application.since microsoft involve in this industry earlier so they dont have anybody to learn from.unlike google its takes lesson from microsoft mistake.when google enter the industry, they immediately introduce the third party application and for addition they provide the system development kits (SDK) for anybody that interest to develop their software..here also i provide several information that my group has analyze this case study using SWOT technique.

è Based from early company, Psion an early innovator in mobile computing, released the Organiser, world’s first handheld computer.
è First generation offered text-based information retrieval via Wireless Application World-Wide Web.
è Sony Ericsson, Motorola and BenQ opted to license Symbian’s UIQ interface.
è Symbian’s built-for-purpose approach seemed particularly sensible.
è Symbian licensees manufactured 75% of the world’s mobile phones.
è Symbian had strong relationship with apps developers.
è Symbian’s apps programming interfaces clearly documented and easy to master.
è Symbian provided extensive developer support.


è As Nokia’s largest shareholder, it is untenable for Symbian to develop a competing UI.
è Symbian left brand-building entirely to licensees.
è Symbian let its licensees adjust the user interface.
è Symbian’s licensees’ branding deemphasized Symbian’s role.
è Symbian charged fees averaged $5 per handset.

Network operators
è MNOs built and operated wireless networks and developed relationship with subscribers.
è  Voice services and text-based SMS provided about 90% of revenues for most MNOs.
è By 2002, Data and Internet services beginning to take off.
Handset manufacturers
è Nokia remained as the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile phones.
è   Handset manufacturers focused their efforts on smartphones.
Mobile OS providers
è  Lower-end supported text messaging and simple home page. 
è  High-end smartphones offered a wider range of services.
è  Growing set of functions and applicants required increasingly sophisticated operating system software.
Content providers and aggregators
è Mobile content providers offered both content they produced themselves as well as materials licensed from third parties.
è  Manufacturers made featured content a highlight of a new device.
         Application developers
è  Smartphones apps primarily focused on specialized markets.
è  Apps were increasingly being designed to take advantages of smartphones’ capabilities.
è  Apps developers preferred to develop for platforms with as many users as possible.
è Third party apps became increasingly important.


Thursday 22 December 2011

Knowing Database

Many of you have heard about database but do you actually know the meaning of database? what is database?how many type of databases? all this i will answer in my blog.. Ok first i will start by introducing what is databases.
DATABASE is  a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. In one view, databases can be classified according to types of content that is:

figure 1:bibliographic

  • bibliographic (a list of writings relating to a given subject)
  • full text
  • numeric
  • image
A database is a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system.

 To be functional: i) Databases must not only store large amounts
                               of records well, but be accessed easily.
                            ii)New information and changes can be easily to
                            iii) All databases that are created should be built 
                               with high integrity and the ability to recover data if hardware fails.

Database Management System(DBMS) - program that manage the queries and information
                                                                                 stored on the system.
Now i will tell you about types of databases.There are many type of databases but i will discuss about the several type of databases in this blog.Each databases have its own model and uniqueness.
They include - Flat Model,
                    -  Hierarchical Model
                    - Relational Model
                    - Network Model

- There is a two dimensional (flat structure) array of data. 
-  A flat model database includes only zip codes. Within the database, there is only one column and
  each new row within that one column will be a new zip code.
figure 2: flat model database
 Hierarchical Model Database
resembles a tree like structure
 each upward link is nested in order to keep data organized in a
   particular order on a same level list.
- example like folder and files.

-A record is stored with a link to other records in effect networked

 most popular type of database and an extremely powerful tool, not 
    only to store information, but to access it as well.
 organized as tables.
Relational databases use a program interface called SQL (Standard Query Language). SQL is currently
  used on practically all relational databases
figure 3: the network model database
easy to customize to fit almost any kind of data storage.
Relations can easily be created for items for sale, employees in a company, etc

figure 4: relational model database

figure 5:hierarchical model database

Thats all for the type of databases.for more understanding about relational type database i will provide a video that will can help you all to understand how the relational type database work.

Income for database$$ kaching2!

Many people don't realize the work as a database administrator. This is because database administrator is not a popular job that graduated student want to apply. They prefer a more famous job like software engineer. Many people ask what do database administrators do? why do they exist? did they have a high salary? All this question must have pop up in your mind sometime because in world nowdays people don't want to take risk to apply a job that they seldomly heard about. Now i will tell you a little bit about what do database administrators actually do.

Database administrators is people that use database management software to determine the most efficient ways to organize and access a company's data. They also responsible for maintaining database security and backing up the system.

Database administrators is a fast-growing industry.  Database administrators can expect to earn an annual salary of $48,000 to $85,000.

so student that takes computer science in database system should not worry about finding a job because now days there are a lot of company that want to hire an database administrators.

skills that needed to be database administrators:

  • strong organizational skills
  • strong logical and analytical thinking
  • ability to concentrate and pay close attetion to detail
  • ability to think broadly and consider impacts across system annd within the organization.
A database administrator's activities can be listed as below:
  • Transferring Data
  • Replicating Data
  • Maintaining database and ensuring its availability to users
  • Maintaining the data dictionary
  • Controlling privileges and permissions to database users
  • Monitoring database performance
  • Database backup and recovery
  • Database security Stop
In 2008 there were about 120,400 database administrators.
Database administrators work in every sector of economy. Many work for internet service provider, web search portal and data processing firm.

The number of database administrators is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations through 2018. This is because the Internet and e-commerce will continue to expand, resulting in a continuing need to build and maintain databases. Also, the increasing importance being placed on "cyber security"—the protection of electronic information—will require workers skilled in information security.

Job growth will not be as rapid as during the previous decade. The information technology sector will begin to mature and routine work will increasingly be outsourced overseas.
Those having a college or graduate degree in computer science or a related field will have a good chance of getting a job. Those having a lot of related work experience will also have a good chance.

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhkFLo5bi0wz2G8m0KfbozeCfnY94IKy_u6HFrTtC56Nnd2_eB0zKZ_lKFlSAejL92Iu0XLe7zPd1GXj2vlHwUCQFM5Ee6XtMvJdmHB3tIYyr016ciK-V-L-m_IFSFHObJ2USDhUR0kZH_f/s320/database-administrator.jpg

 so how?? kagum kan ??? =)

Tuesday 13 December 2011

hoi hai guys...this is camtasia tutorial.


hello guys.. i think most of you already "pernah kena" shorcut virus.. once u get dis virus ..you will say"ayaaa die la...cannot make any backup lo..."hahahha lol! seriously from what i experince this virus quite easy to KILL! i have sum few simple steps that will turn all your shortcut into original folder.

followed this step kayh!

1) press button start and r .
2)type cmd inside the run space.
3) after that you must check ur pendrive is in what alphabet eg, g:
4)next you type into the cmd like this
     --> attrib -s -h -r /s /d g:*.*

5)then press enter .and tada!!! you got your folder back ..easy right???